Which One Of These Solutions You Choose For Your Problem ?

Showing posts with label diets for women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diets for women. Show all posts

The rear and buttocks problems in women " Female Buttocks "

There is no doubt that the dream of all girls and women is to get the ideal weight and strength svelte and harmonic One of the biggest problems faced by girls and women and mutilate their beauty obesity problem in the area of ​​the rear buttocks and inconsistencies between the bottom and top of the body forcing them to wear the style and a certain quality of clothing and find also difficult to hide these flaws as much as possible and this makes them always under constant psychological pressure , especially if it has invitation to a party or social occasion

If the lady was suffering from a marked increase in weight and also obesity localized in the rear area and buttocks , the treatment must begin to address the problems together means Diet Diet and Fitness at the same time

What are the reasons for the accumulation of fat in the buttocks and rear

First : lethargy , laziness and lack of movement and excessive sleeping

The lethargy and lack of movement and sitting for long periods in the same situation a major cause of the large size of the buttocks and also laziness and lack of exercise, and go to bed immediately after eating

Second: eating

Bad diet and eat more substances that contain fatty substances or starchy or high sugars such as fast food , chocolate , soda water and snacks such as potato .

Third: pregnancy and childbirth

Because pregnant during pregnancy and childbirth occur with changes in body hormones , in addition to the carrier is possible that she fed a bad diet , and also lack of exercise special cradle are all possible factors leading to the large size of the buttocks.

Fourth: Genetics

Genetics plays a big role in the process of fat to accumulate in the rear area and buttocks.

Fifth: Hormones

Where is concentrated the impact of certain hormones in the fat to accumulate when the females in the rear area , buttocks, thighs and males in the abdominal area .

either effective solutions to that problem will be found in these article :


Female Buttocks Female Buttocks
Female Buttocks Female Buttocks

Some natural recipes to lose the rear and buttocks " Female Buttocks "

Some natural recipes to lose the rear and buttocks 

1 - drink boiled ginger and cinnamon sugar - hour before eating 3 times a day 

2 - Grease the rear area and buttocks daily apple cider vinegar and leave for twenty minutes and then Take a shower then lukewarm water 

3 - Add two tablespoons of coffee Turkish to warm water until you get a soft dough and then a national rubbing paste this on the butt and hips in a circular motion in a clockwise direction for ten minutes and reverse the trend for ten minutes and then nationalist taking a warm bath, and repeat this process 3 times in a week for a month and this recipe also help to smooth the body . 

May need to treat the problem of obesity in the area of ​​the rear buttocks and private solution non- surgical some entrusted roads mentioned above even enjoy your body limber and consistent and do not forget never said that after the end of treatment must always don't forget what goes into your body of calories by eating and what your body burn through movement and this is a balance of agility .

Solutions to the problems of the rear and buttocks in women " Female Buttocks "

The ladies can solve the problems of rear buttocks and achieve her dream of obtaining the perfect strength must learn and implement the following
First: A diet and contraband List :  
Diet : It is a balanced low - calorie 
1 - drinking milk or skim milk . 
2 - eating fresh fruits. 
3 - eating fresh vegetables without adding salt ( prevents lentils , beans and cowpeas ) 
4 - drink is sweetened juices . 
5 - eating bird meat to be roasted, skinned and without any fat or salt or sauce or ketchup. (Prevents eating liver or kidneys or Heart ) and eating grilled tilapia as a good alternative to meat

And a list of contraband are:  
1. Starchy foods such as rice , pasta and French fries . 
2. Substances that contain caffeine. 
3. Stay away from fatty substances such as fried meat.
4.Final departure from materials that contain high calories, such as takeaway meals.
5. Dairy products such as butter , cream and whole milk . 
6. Nuts of all kinds . 
7. Desserts .. knowing that it was difficult to resist when some people, especially chocolate, but this is an important step to get rid of annoying fatty accumulations.

Second: The multiplication of eating fresh vegetables

Because green materials with high nutritional value beneficial for the skin , in addition to that most of the scientific studies have proved that the vegetables have a very great importance in weight loss. 

And in addition, they provide the body with a very high nutritional value and so you can maintain your fitness and beauty of your skin.
Must be a green salad is a friend in order and is the main dish on the trip and is a component of radish, watercress, onion and garlic ..

* White radish contains material help to melt the fat from the buttocks area affection because it is rich in fiber who facilitates burning calories and excess fat butt and buttocks area .  

Third: Sports  
Of the most important and cheapest means which helps in the treatment of obesity rear and buttocks 

It is known that the 10 -minute first in the exercise is the warm-up and the heating of the body and muscles and then the body begins later in burning calories from fat stored

especially if the exercise and the stomach completely free of food and period optimal exercise of 30 - 60 minutes a day and the person Debutante in sport enough to begin a 15-minute sports program on the first day and then adds 5 minutes per day,

 or day after day , even up to 30 -60 minutes a day at first based exercises heating and warm up ( was - tons rope - exercises dancer - running the place ) and then followed by exercises especially for obesity topical areas ( abdomen - rear - buttocks - and others ) the rest of the time of exercise

Not allowed during the violent slimming work out or use special weights for women so as not to hypertrophy of the muscles which in turn leads to obesity after stopping exercise.

Diet After Pregnancy

Your diet plays an important role when it comes to weight loss after pregnancy. If you have trouble trying to find a way to lose weight after pregnancy, then you will have more success with weight loss after pregnancy if you focus on the diet before anything else.

Losing weight slowly

When trying to lose weight after pregnancy you want to lose weight slowly over time. If you lose too much, you can get a FALSE impression that it is easy and can be done by eating more foods and get all the weight back .

 If you lose weight slowly , your body is better able to adapt and it will help you maintain weight.

 You also want to make sure you eat enough and get enough calories when trying to lose weight. Talk to your doctor about your need for individual weight loss may be referred to a nutritionist for advice for you.

 Losing weight too fast can also release toxins that can get into the milk for your baby . The best option to lose a pound of fat every week to reduce your daily caloric intake by 500 calories .

Do not skip meals

Weight loss after pregnancy effectively come if not skip meals. You need to slide nutrition is not a good idea. Try to eat small meals throughout the day and healthy snacks to keep your energy levels . This will help you avoid overeating during the day , especially when you are stressed . Small meals should include fruits , lots of carrot and half a sandwich , for example. One thing you want to make sure you do when you learn how to lose weight after pregnancy

Try not to miss breakfast food that gives you the energy you need to get through the morning. If you are unsure , then you will be treated during the day to eat a lot of foods you should not eat like fast food.

Choose the right foods

Weight loss after pregnancy will be easier if you choose the right foods. You wan to foods and foods that are low in fat high-fiber food . You should choose fruits , vegetables , whole grains , fish, lean meats and similar foods .

 Most of your diet should be fruits and vegetables , which gives your body optimum nutrition you need.

Make sure you also eat enough protein sources like chicken, turkey, fish and other lean meat sources . This will give you energy for the day , but also will help you with your weight because you feel full longer. If you plan to exercise to accelerate weight loss after pregnancy , you will need more protein.

Making wise choices to lose weight after pregnancy. There are many other online resources that will show you how to lose weight after pregnancy.

Use these suggestions as a basic guide to get you started with your weight loss goals after pregnancy.

Learn some other ways to lose weight after pregnancy to get her slim figure quickly.Visit Weight Loss 4 all pregnant women to weight loss tips related to pregnancy .

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The secrets of weight loss after pregnancy

The secrets of weight loss after pregnancy
      Sarah is a pregnant woman with three children who continue to breastfeed your child 18 months old . After each of her pregnancies, she has had difficulty losing weight . With all of her responsibilities , weight loss is not a priority .

       However, hopes that once the pregnancy is over, she will be able to return to their weight before the wedding . (exercise after pregnancy)

           The average woman gains more than 25 pounds during pregnancy. The procedure of childbirth may result in weight loss of up to 14 pounds, which means that new moms still have much weight to lose once they leave the hospital . (exercise after pregnancy) (bleeding after birth)

       However, some women simply assume that this " baby fat " will never go away . However, it is very possible to lose weight during the postpartum period. (exercise after pregnancy)
     A number of medical experts recommend easing into a weight loss program after the birth of your baby. This means that you will not start dieting until about three months after birth. You should combine a low-fat diet with moderate exercise to achieve weight loss . (exercise after pregnancy)
      Do not expect immediate results. It will take a good nine months to return to their pre-pregnancy weight . A slow approach is best because you have to give your body time to recover after childbirth. Sure, you might be able to lose weight quickly, but you may be sacrificing valuable nutrients as a result. (exercise after pregnancy) (bleeding after birth)
      Interestingly , breastfeeding actually enhances weight loss . The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has found that breastfeeding leads to the release of hormones which enable your uterus to return to its normal size. However, breastfeeding alone will not reduce your weight. (exercise after pregnancy)

      You need to combine it with a healthy diet and moderate exercise program . Please note that you must have at least 1800 calories per day during lactation for you and your baby stay healthy. However, stay away from junk food during this period. You should rely on food with high nutritional value to maintain the proper level of calories each day . (exercise after pregnancy) (bleeding after birth)

         There are many good reasons to exercise during the postpartum period . In addition to helping to accelerate weight reduction , (exercise after pregnancy) exercise can help alleviate post -partum depression , improve your mood and increase your confidence . Exercise can also " clear your head " , so it is no longer able to meet the demands of motherhood .  (exercise after pregnancy)

          You might consider joining a " Mommy and Me " exercise so that your baby can not exercise the right of the class with you . Another suggestion is to get help from a friend or relative to be your exercise partner for emotional support during the year. (exercise after pregnancy) (bleeding after birth) to lose weight

       An added bonus of exercise is that it will increase your energy level , which is very important to fight fatigue that comes from caring for a newborn. (exercise after pregnancy) (bleeding after birth) to lose weight

        Your diet should generally be low-fat but not greasy , rich in vitamins and fiber. Under no circumstances should you go on a fad diet.  (exercise after pregnancy) (bleeding after birth)

          This system could be very dangerous for your health and can even slow your recovery from childbirth . It's a good idea to set weight loss goals , but do not overdo . Recognize that there is a limit to the amount of weight you can lose during a period of time. (exercise after pregnancy) (bleeding after birth)

       You can see a number of actress - moms gracing the covers of magazines shortly after the birth of their children. They appear svelte and elegant , totally devoid of baby fat . In the accompanying article , they may even talk about exercising right after childbirth . (exercise after pregnancy) (bleeding after birth)

       These articles send new mothers a dangerous message : that we must do everything possible to lose weight as quickly as possible after the birth of your baby.  (exercise after pregnancy) (bleeding after birth)

         This philosophy is not only ridiculous , it's also unhealthy . As a result , you will need to "tune " the messages in the media and stay the course with your own weight loss plan gradually. (exercise after pregnancy) (bleeding after birth)  lose weight
          The time right after the birth of a child can be very difficult, demanding both physical and emotional strength . While it is certainly a good idea to eat healthy , you have to follow , so it relates to weight loss .  (exercise after pregnancy) (bleeding after birth)

          Over time, you should be able to lose the weight she gained during her pregnancy . In fact, you may find that you are in better health after birth. (exercise after pregnancy) 


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