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Is there damage to lose weight fast ?

It is known that obesity most important problems of our time in the whole world , and lose weight quickly is the desire of the vast majority of those who allocating weight and get the ideal weight as quickly as possible

But is there damage to lose weight fast ??

At the outset, the accursed successful is accursed which lasts the body into losing weight constantly, as the ideal ratio, which is recommended by doctors is 2 kg per week, may look like this ratio is relatively slow, but if you try to force your body to lose weight will not only lead to imbalances in the body and also lead to many other damage that sometimes some of which are very dangerous

The damage from forcing the body to lose weight quickly

Weight of water
Of damage to lose weight is that rapid weight loss be the weight of the water in the body and not from burning fat , which leads to dehydration and impact on all members of the body and all biological processes and hair and skin

Diarrhea and , in some cases , be followed by diarrhea grabbed another is damage of damage to a quick weight loss persistent diarrhea for a long time leads to dehydration and dehydration and this may be a source of great danger to life

Malnutrition of damage quick weight loss that may occur in the long term because the lack of calories in the end, lead to an imbalance in the supply of body salts and minerals essential vitamins and thus anemia

Tiredness and fatigue
Damage, lack of rapid weight it when you try to lose weight quickly working to reduce the calories needed by the body and is known that calorie is the source of energy for the body and as a result will often feel dizzy , fatigue and lethargy and a desire to sleep all day

More likely receive sagging when you lose weight quickly, especially if not accompanied lose weight fast enough exercise Sports

Gain weight quickly
Of the laws of the human psyche that what resisted and frequently will increase when force the body to lose weight very quickly the body will reverse reaction is overweight quickly again when we stop the accursed Lack of supplies of minerals , salts and vitamins leads a state of gluttony and greed you can not control

In the end, the above does not mean that lose weight fast inevitably leads to the risk of medallion , but can be a quick lose weight and security , but needs constant medical supervision as happens in the case of fast weight loss in athletes

1-  we also have mentioned in this article the best ways to lose weight without any side effects
2-  we have mentioned in this article the best ways to lose weight without any side effects

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